The future of leadership is becoming increasingly reliant on artificial intelligence, as it [AI] becomes the forefront in business. The idea of an ‘influencer’ [perceived or self-proclaimed leader] gaining followers through their social media presence is not new. With the implementation of technology accelerating exponentially, it’s important to remain ahead of the curve when it comes to achieving personal or company goals. Whether thought leaders use AI to shape their next marketing campaign, increase efficiency in business applications, or incorporate data-driven insights in their everyday leadership style, AI is becoming more involved in different industries every day.

As Seth Besmertnik, CEO of Conductor, states in his article for Forbes, “The successful leaders in the future will be those who can take advantage of what AI has to offer.”

Accordingly, leadership qualities that are becoming more and more integral to success include: knowing when to seek help through AI tools, working closely with technology companies to implement appropriate technological solutions, and continuously learning new skills that can be applied towards implementing new AI products.

It is clear that the emphasis on how leadership will evolve over the course of this century is resting on the shoulders of leaders who can enhance their skills by using artificial intelligence to further develop themselves through higher learning and self-development.

As the previously mentioned leaders will become service providers to those who embrace AI with open arms, the future is now. And the ones who do not adapt will disappear from their irrelevancy (if they haven’t already). As Besmertnik writes: “Those willing to accept and learn from the data and insights offered will be rewarded.”

This is not to say that AI will replace the need for people in leadership. It simply means that the future of leadership will be more reliant on how an individual can implement new technological advancements into their everyday routine.

The idea of an ‘influencer’ gaining followers through their social media presence is not new. Still, with AI implementation at an exponential rate, leaders need to be ahead of the curve. Whether thought leaders use AI to shape their next marketing campaign, increase efficiency in business applications, or incorporate data-driven insights in their everyday leadership, AI is becoming more involved in different industries every day. Leadership qualities that are becoming more and more integral to success include knowing when to seek help through AI tools, working closely with technology companies to implement appropriate technological solutions, and continuously learning new skills that can be applied towards implementing new AI products. For more information, click here.